
Technology Analysis

What technology do we have now for water conservation?

1.Bathroom Water Saver

A System captures water from the bathroom sink and filters and disinfects it to provide reused water for toilet flushing.The dotted sections ( ● ) of the system shows how each component contributes to water conservation and savings.

But  it costly to install the system, Economic risk.

2. Household Waste Water Recycling Systems

Water that is used in the shower, bathtub, dishwasher, bathroom and kitchen sinks, and the laundry.
These water could be reused for a multitude of purposes, including

- Watering yards and gardens
- Irrigation field

which save as much as 70% of water by recycling waste water

3.Automatic Tap, infrared automatic sensor tap that help prevent water outflow, save water and money

4.Additional Devices

5.Rainwater Tank

Rainwater Tank is used to collect and store rain water runoff, typically from rooftops and can be used for many activities in household.

source: Water Saver Tech

