
Why water?

We all know that more than 2/3 of Earth is water and water is the origin of all living in this planet include me and you, Human.

We use water for many purpose such as agriculture, industrial and household  but where's the water come from ?

There are three main sources of water that are useful (or potentially useful) :

1.Surface water, easiest water source to access, is a water in river, lake or fresh water wetland. Surface water is naturally replenished by rain and naturally lost through discharge to the ocean, evaporation and sub-surface

2.Ground water, is a water located in space of soil and rock, its storage is much larger than surface water but has a very low rate of turnover. Ground water is naturally replenished by sub-surface water from surface water and naturally lost through spring and ocean

3.Desalination, an artificial process by convert sea water to fresh water through distillation and reverse osmosis. Desalination water is expensive compares to the surface water and ground water.

But, according to The World Water Organization, water consumption around the world doubles every 20 years, which is twice as fast as world population growth. With the growing population and industrial needs of water, it is expected that the global demand for water will exceed the supply by the year 2025.

What we should do ?

Let we show you an example of a water conservation project from people in Singapore.

credit : Gao Shuang, NUS

As you can see from people in Singapore that encourage each other to focus on water and now we'd like to explore our study on Water Conservation in Bangkok, Thailand, which population is 5.3 million people and increasing while the consumption of people in Bangkok is relatively high at 309 cu.m. per person per year, far more than rural area in Thailand which has consumption of 22 cu.m. per person per year

"Water is too precious to be wasted" - WWF

Credit : Coldplay, no copyright infringement intended

source : Wikipedia, World Water Organization

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